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Friday, March 10, 2006

Consistency is the Key!

I'm always going on about the great benefits that an eBay business offers. I think that the flexibility that eBay gives a person and the ability to control his own time are among the top ones. Those very benefits could prove to be a problem for some people, though.

People who have trouble staying focused or who procrastinate might find that eBay offers a little too much freedom. While they might possess the potential to create wonderful listings for wonderful items, if they do not discipline themselves to get the work done, they will find themselves wondering what happened to the time.

Ask me how I know!!! Yes - I am one of those highly distractible people! I've had lots of reasons to be distracted lately but I have to get beyond those excuses and just get down to business!

Consistency and planning really are two key elements of success. A third is follow-through, though. I've made great schedules in the past but failed to follow through. As a result, my listings suffered (quantity, not quality) and consequently so did my profits.

It may seem obvious to most people, but it bears repeating: make a plan for your business and stick to it. Set goals and then identify the steps necessary to accomplish those goals. Finally, take those steps! You know the old saying, "Those who fail to plan, plan to fail?" Well, I've created a variation of that: "You need to plan your work and then work your plan."

I've got lots of plans - I just need to implement them! I also need to eliminate or manage the distractors in my life. Although my main distraction is the fact that I miss my husband!!! it exhibits itself in many other ways. Among my primary distractors right now are the following:
  • My children - I try to always be available for my children but this can be a problem, sometimes, especially if they are interrupting me for frivolous reasons.
  • Clutter - I am not a productive person when the area around me is cluttered. A few days ago I moved my computer desk into the room that is seen first when somebody enters our home (some people might call it a parlor but that's a bit glorified for this room!) I did this hoping that it might encourage me to maintain a tidy workspace. I have less area to work in now because I can't spread things out all over the dining room table like I could before. All that means, though, is that it takes less to make the area cluttered. Should take less time to clean it up though! We'll find out as soon as I finish writing this!
  • Socializing - this is a big one for me right now. I am lonely since my husband isn't here and I find myself spending more and more time with my online friends. I really like the people I've met online and find their company, even if limited to IM and Yahoo groups, to be encouraging and reassuring.
Knowing the things that distract me is a step in the right direction but I need to have a plan to deal with them. I've thought of the following so far:
  • I'm going to stress to my girls that I will be working during certain hours each day and should be interrupted only for something that is important. At 12, 13 and 15, they are old enough to understand this so don't think I am neglecting infants or toddlers! (Make note - set work hours!)
  • I have to make sure that my overly optimistic expectations of what I can list each day do not take over the area where I work! In other words, I should keep all but a few items out of sight until those few are listed. By doing this, I will eliminate most of the clutter that accumulates each day. (I have a bad habit of going to my attic where I keep my eBay items to get two or three specific items and then come down with boxes full.)
  • I need to treat my online friends and groups as a reward for a good day's work instead of an emotional outlet throughout the day. This will be the most difficult to implement because they are just a click away while I am doing my work.
What about you? Do you have plans or wishes? Do you have realistic goals? What steps are needed to accomplish those goals? Are you working those steps? Be specific. Write out your goals as well as the steps that will get you to them. Then create a schedule that will realistically enable you to follow those steps. Finally, remove from your environment the things that will distract you and keep you from getting those steps done.

Well, I've got a room to clean so I can get some work done! Talk to you later!


Blogger Rob. said...

Hi Pam ..Me again in the UK ...looks like your getting serious about blogging ...I will link you up to my site..

One good web address for self help and personal discipline is

He is a lifestyle guru with some good things to say ...although I do differ with him when it comes to spirituality ..take a look

God Bless


1:01 PM  

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